Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Know any young writers?

Young Writers Competition for the Race Mathews Award

What are the most important issues facing Australia today?
What practical policy solutions do you have to address those issues?
Can you convince people of your argument in 1,000 words?

• A return airfare with QANTAS to London.
• A living allowance and month-long internship at DEMOS, one of the UK's leading think tanks.
• Your article published in The Australian newspaper.

Julia Gillard, Federal Member for Lalor and Shadow Health Minister
Warren Mundine, National President of the Australian Labor Party
Tom Switzer, Opinion Editor at The Australian
Evan Thornley, National Secretary of the Australian Fabians.

The competition is for all young political thinkers and activists in Australia aged 18 – 28.

1. Opinion pieces can be on any policy issue facing Australian
progressive politics today.
2. Entries should be no longer than 1,000 words, with no footnotes.
3. Entries will be judged for their originality, fluency of style and their
practical solutions to current issues.

To enter please visit www.fabian.org.au/competition


davethescot said...

Did you just post that up there to make some of us feel old?

richardwatts said...

Now dave, would i do a thing like that? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'll do it! Any ideas what to write about?? :-/

richardwatts said...

Good question DUP - what do you think are the most important issues facing Australia today? Perhaps you could write about same sex marriage, and the discrimination that has been legally entrenched by Howard's ammendments of the Marriage Act in 2004...?

Anonymous said...

i was going for a rant on the current price of banana's but your idea may work!